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Kenya’s Government Retreats on Green Transport Promotion

The proposal by Kenyan Government to introduce a 16% Value Added Tax (VAT) on electric bicycles, solar batteries, and electric buses has raised concerns regarding its dedication to promoting the use of clean energy to combat pollution caused by fossil fuels. These products were previously zero-rated as part of a series of incentives introduced by the Government in 2023 to support the e-mobility sector and encourage the adoption of green energy in transportation. As a result of these incentives, there has been a notable increase in the use of electric buses and bicycles in Kenya, with several new start-ups emerging in the country. An analysis conducted by Bowman’s Kenya on the Finance Bill of 2024 suggests that the introduction of VAT on electric buses could lead to higher costs for these e-mobility products, potentially slowing down the growth of the sector. This shift in policy comes at a time when the use of green energy in the transportation sector is gaining momentum, raising doubts about Kenya’s commitment to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, which calls for the support and promotion of technologies that enhance climate resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, the proposal to tax solar batteries contradicts efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as it would increase the cost of installing solar power systems, hindering their adoption as a means of mitigating the impacts of climate change. On a more positive note, there are provisions in the bill that, if approved by Parliament, could help promote the use of clean energy, particularly for households. One such provision is the proposal to exempt bioethanol vapor (BEV) stoves from VAT, which could encourage the adoption of cleaner cooking technologies. Another promising proposal is the implementation of an Eco Levy on certain goods, particularly electronics, that are either manufactured in Kenya or imported into the country. This levy would be paid by manufacturers and importers, the aim being to hold them accountable for the negative environmental impacts of their products. The concept of an Eco Levy is not new, as it has already been successfully implemented in various countries. In Ghana, producers and importers of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) are required to pay an advance “eco-levy” to ensure proper collection, treatment, recovery, and environmentally friendly disposal of EEE. “While this proposal is a step in the right direction, considering that electronic waste is notoriously difficult to dispose of due to its non-degradable nature, there is room for flexibility. Manufacturers and importers who can demonstrate that they have effective waste disposal and recycling systems in place could potentially receive relief from the levy,” Bowman’s analysis shows.

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Source: Kenya Meteorological Department As we move into the third week of May, the weather across Kenya is expected to exhibit a mix of sunny intervals, occasional showers, and thunderstorms in various regions. Here are the highlights of the seven-day weather forecast issued by the Kenya Meteorological Department: The Highlands West of the Rift Valley, the Lake Victoria Basin and the Rift Valley (Kisii, Nyamira, Nandi, Kericho, Bomet, Kakamega, Vihiga, Bungoma, Siaya, Kisumu, Homabay, Busia, Migori, Narok, Baringo, Nakuru, Trans-Nzoia, Uasin-Gishu, Elgeyo-Marakwet and West-Pokot Counties): Sunny intervals are expected in the morning though light rains may occur over few places. Afternoon showers and thunderstorms are expected over few places. Nights are likely to be partly cloudy but occasional showers may occur over a few places. North-western Kenya (Turkana and Samburu Counties): Sunny intervals are expected during the day while nights are likely to be partly cloudy. The Highlands East of the Rift Valley (including Nairobi County) (Nyandarua, Laikipia, Nyeri, Kirinyaga, Murang’a, Kiambu, Meru, Embu, Tharaka-Nithi and Nairobi Counties): Mornings are likely to be cloudy breaking into sunny intervals. Occasional afternoon and night showers are expected over few places. North-eastern Kenya (Marsabit, Mandera, Wajir, Garissa and Isiolo Counties): Sunny intervals are expected during the day while nights are likely to be partly cloudy. The South-eastern lowlands (Machakos, Kitui, Makueni, Kajiado and Taita-Taveta Counties): Sunny intervals are expected during the day while nights are likely to be partly cloudy. The Coast (Mombasa, Tana-River, Kilifi, Lamu and Kwale Counties): Sunny intervals are expected during the day while nights are likely to be partly cloudy. However, occasional morning and afternoon showers may occur over few places. Source: Kenya Meteorological Department

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Carbon Credit and Market-Based Forest Conservation Failing

By Peter Ngare Carbon credits and other market-based approaches to conserve forests have failed to stop the destruction of trees and alleviate poverty, a new report by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) shows. This comes at a time when carbon markets are projected to grow into a multi-billion-dollar industry as corporations increasingly turn to credits to meet their net-zero climate targets. But there are growing concerns about how much of that revenue poor communities might expect to see, with unscrupulous actors accused of exploitation. “Market-based approaches may be appealing to policymakers but would not be a solution without also addressing the broader economic and governance challenges around forest management,” says the report’s lead author, Constance McDermott from the University of Oxford President William Ruto has called Africa’s carbon sinks an “unparalleled economic goldmine” that could generate billions of dollars every year. However, the IUFRO findings from a study conducted across 120 countries have found that trade and finance-driven initiatives such as carbon credits are making limited progress to stop deforestation and, in some cases, have led to more poverty. “The evidence does not support the claim of win-wins or triple wins for environment, economy, and people…Rather our cases show that poverty and forest loss both are persistent across different regions of the world,” contributing author Maria Brockhaus from the University of Helsinki told AFP. The report says that those involved in market-driven initiatives are more interested in short-term profits than long-term and sustainable forest governance. The report said a $120 million project in the Democratic Republic of Congo had “reinforced entrenched interests” by restricting local people from forests without addressing logging by powerful businesses. In Malaysia, indigenous groups, who were promised better livelihoods from a foreign-backed plantation venture on their customary land received no benefit. In Ghana, deforestation rates have risen despite a lot of sustainable cocoa standards, corporate pledges, and carbon offset projects, while farmers are earning less today than decades ago. According to McDermott, green trade policies imposed by wealthy countries, like the EU’s ban on imports linked to deforestation, might look good but do not consider the knock-on effects on affected communities such as coffee and tea farmers in Kenya or cocoa farmers in Ghana and Ivory Coast.

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Kenya Floods Updates-169 Dead; 30,000 Homes Displaced

By Bernard Gitau Floods claim 169 lives, displaces 30,000 households in Kenya A total of 169 people have died due to the floods across the country, the government has said. According to the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government, the country has continued to experience a devastating flood calamity occasioned by the heavy rains. “A total of 169 lives have been lost due to the floods. Notably, the mudslide in Mai Mahiu claimed 46 lives; Garissa reported 4 lives lost while Sindo, Homay Bay, reported another 4 fatalities,” the Ministry said. Those injured stand at 102 across the country with 91 missing Mai Mahiu accounting for 53 and Garissa has reported 16 missing. The Ministry has also pointed out that Nairobi, Tana River, West Pokot, Homa Bay, Nakuru and Murang’a are the most affected counties in the last 24 hours. “30,099 households have been displaced affecting approximately 150,495 individuals. In Sindo and Homa Bay, a total of 161 households have been displaced,” added the Ministry. The Ministry has added a total of 190,942 individuals have been affected by these natural disasters. With a total of 91 people missing, the government has announced the rescue, search and retrieval operations particularly in Nakuru due to the recent mudslide and have rescued 23 people in Garissa. With roads, bridges and other infrastructure destroyed, the government has termed the loss as unquantifiable.

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Heavy Rains Sweep Across Kenya, Prompting Alerts and Rescues

By Wanja Mwaniki & Neville Ng’ambwa The Kenya Meteorological Department has issued a stern warning to citizens as heavy downpours continue to wreak havoc across the nation, leading to widespread flooding in numerous regions. Taking to its social media platforms, the Department outlined a forecast indicating that the heavy rains are expected to persist in several key areas, including the Central Highlands, Western Kenya, Rift Valley, South-eastern lowlands, Coast, North-eastern, and North-western Kenya. Despite the deluge, some regions are experiencing unusually high daytime temperatures, with mercury levels soaring beyond 30°C. Counties such as Turkana, Marsabit, Mandera, Wajir, Isiolo, Garissa, Tana River, Lamu, Kilifi, Mombasa, and Kwale are particularly affected, presenting a unique challenge amid the prevailing weather conditions. On Tuesday, a dramatic rescue operation unfolded in Tana River County when Kenya Red Cross first responders, in conjunction with the local community, sprang into action to save 51 stranded occupants of a bus. The vehicle had become trapped by swiftly rising waters near Arer, close to Tulla village. Thanks to the swift response, all passengers were successfully rescued, with two boats dispatched to ferry them to safety. The situation remains dire in many parts of the country, with reports of flooding continuing to pour in. Government agencies like the Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) have issued cautionary advisories to motorists, urging them to exercise vigilance while navigating waterlogged roads. Notably, the Nairobi-Garissa road has been severed by floods, prompting KeNHA personnel to deploy to the affected areas to initiate repairs and restore accessibility. In light of the ongoing crisis, numerous organizations have stepped up to provide guidance on how to mitigate risks and ensure safety during this tumultuous period. The Red Cross, in particular, has emphasized the peril of attempting to cross floodwaters either on foot or in vehicles, highlighting the inherent dangers posed by seemingly shallow water levels. As the country grapples with the dual challenges of heavy rainfall and soaring temperatures, the concerted efforts of emergency responders, community members, and government agencies remain paramount in safeguarding lives and minimizing the impact of inclement weather conditions.

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